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Eco House

For My science project i chose to talk about my eco house . For the making of this eco house we had to think about our everyday life of what we do , what we eat , what we drink , and what we creat .  Us humans creat about 6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. So our job was to creat a house that completle symbolize a green house effect .



Our green aspects that our house is going to change is heat, water, electricity, and waste, for our eco-house to have less carbon footprint. The first green aspect were adding is electricity, we have research that an average american home uses about 10,837 kWh, an average of 903 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month (says So to reduce that large amount of electricity we have decided to completely cover our eco-house in solar panels and have half our house use that solar energy for the house and other half is stored for un-sunny days. Saving electricity is great because first it saves a lot of energy, it would have a back up power saver just in case of un-sunny days, but there are some cons. For example, it'll cost a lot of money that most people don't have, and it'll take A LOT of time. The next aspect is heat. For heat, a "typical" home in mild climate uses between 5,000kwh and 30,000kwh for heating. To get rid of the carbon footprints for heat we decided to replace the overuse of electricity for heat with our lake that is in the side of our house it will flow through our first set of windmills(2) and it will go inside and flow through theses pipes that go through the house which creates steam to heat our household. Heat has pros and cons. A pro would be it will definitely keep you warm, and it is incredibly sustainable. Although the cons would be its expensive, and we would have to find a way to keep the water flow in our lake or else it wouldn't work. For our the average person generates 4.3 pounds of waste per day. This is 1.6 pounds more than most produced back in 1960. (From the site To deduct about half of that was our trash cans in the house are connected to to pipes (the trash cans themselves are separated it depends on the person to put it in correct can) one for non biodegradable and non recycled materials the second pipe is for our biodegradable and recycled materials ( the trash can empty its self every day) where it goes to a biodegradable and recycling center . The pros of our sustainable waste system is it is an easy way to separate un-reusable waste from our eco house and it is very eco-friendly to the planet it also brings the waste percentage down 50%. The cons of our systems is it could get back up or we run out of space of the waste and the un-biodegradable or the non-reusable waste.  

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